Technical Support Representative — full time, requires weekend (Sat + Sun) early, standard, and late shifts available — $40,000 / year + benefits (Locations: California, Florida, Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Washington)
OFF: End User Support
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Technical Support Representative — full time, requires weekend (Sat + Sun) early, standard, and late shifts available — $40,000 / year + benefits (Locations: California, Florida, Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Washington)
Time zones: EST (UTC -5) , CST (UTC -6) , MST (UTC -7) , PST (UTC -8) , AKST (UTC -9) , HST (UTC -10) It's time to hire another amazing individual again. You could be the pick of the litter! .. [more info]
Technical Support Representative — full time, requires weekend (Sat + Sun) early, standard, and late shifts available — $40,000 / year + benefits (Locations: California, Florida, Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Washington)
OFF: End User Support
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