Front End Engineer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Front End Engineer

FE fundinfo is a global leader in investment fund data and technology.  We are proud of our vast, diverse, and highly skilled team, who help to make our industry Better Connected and Better Informed. 

Our Engineering & Data Management function design, build and deploy software products for a wide range of financial market clients with a primary focus on the fund data value chain. Our agile teams come together as global solution providers using the latest tools and innovative techniques.

We have a vacancy available for a 4-month contract and are seeking a Front-End Engineer to fill this role.

As a Front End Engineer, you will ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs and accurately render visual designs through the development of rich front-end applications using JavaScript frameworks, particularly Angular and React. You will build reusable code and libraries, maintain high coding standards through clean habits and code reviews, and optimize applications for speed, security, and scalability.

Additionally, you will validate all user input before submission to the back-end, assess and address technical debt, and communicate effectively across all organizational levels. You will take ownership of the product and manage client deliverables efficiently.

As a Front End Engineer your required experience and skills are:

  • You will be experienced with REACTJS, JavaScript, CSS and JQuery 
  • You will have a familiarity with Visual Design authoring tools such as Figma or the ability to quickly learn how to effectively extract Visual Design layout specs and code samples.  
  • You will have 5+ years of experience with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Typescript 
  • You will have 3+ years of experience with CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS, SASS and in developing SPA applications using React and/or Ang
  • You will have experience with object oriented, functional programming, and WebAPI / RESTful API 
  • You will have 3+ years' experience with building responsive web applications and with Git source control management.
  • You will have 3+ years of experience using Agile development processes (e.g. developing and estimating user stories, sprint planning, sprint retrospectives, etc.) 
  • You will be experienced with automated testing and/or code analysis techniques.  
  • You will be an expert knowledge of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them. 


Front End Engineer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
More jobs from this company
views: 0

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